Wednesday 4 April 2012


Over the last couple of months, on the fine weekends (which have been few and far between) we have been steadily ripping out the over-grown garden that we inherited with the house. Very therapeutic!

I am concious that it looks OK in these photos but in the reality was a lot of old, woody, overgrown plants which had had their day. There was a lemongrass herb which was 1.5m in diameter! Everything was also too big for what is actually a relatively small block of land.

By the end of last weekend, after days of work - all that was left was these piles of plants.
The smaller of three cotton palms was swiftly destroyed
Random bricks found throughout the garden beds
And the rest (this pile is almost 2m high)!
We have left the olives, the gum, a magnolia, some roses and a weeping cherry - but most of the rest is gone. The work plan from here is extensive and will take us many more months of replanting and re-modelling (not sure if this is the right word?) the lawn. We are going for something neater and simpler. And monochromatic of course. But given I have no track record in keeping plants alive - most important are plants which are low maintenance!